Banner / Cognos Passwords: Additional Steps Which May Need To Be Taken When Changing Application Passwords

NOTE: This process intended only for those who have access to either Banner job submission and/or Cognos Event Scheduler.

Due to Banner password expiration limits, you will be periodically prompted to change your Banner password.

When changing your password in the Banner database, you must manually change your password in Cognos and/or Banner job submission in order to avoid job submission/scheduling interruptions.

Cognos Event Scheduler

To update your password in Cognos, complete the following steps:

Fig 1.  Cognos Connection page

  1. Log into Cognos,
  2. On the main Cognos Connection page select the My Area Options icon then My Preferences from the drop-down list (see Fig. 1.).
  3. Select the Personal tab (see Fig. 2.).

Fig. 2. Cognos – My Preferences


  1. In the Credentials section of the tab, select Renew the Credentials.
  2. You will be prompted with a message, “Your credential has been renewed with your Log On user ID and password.” Select OK and then OK to close the My Preferences page.

Your Cognos password will now be synced with your Banner password. This will allow you use of scheduling events in Cognos without interruption.


Job Submission Scheduler

To update your Job Submission password, complete the following steps:

Fig 3. Banner form – GWACRON


  1. After logging into the Banner database, go to form GWACRON.
  2. Select Update Password.
  3. A Password Update prompt will appear, select OK.


Your Job Submission password will now be synced with your Banner password. This will allow you use of job submission without interruption.

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Article ID: 26094
Wed 3/1/17 12:49 PM
Fri 1/6/23 9:15 AM