Please report malicious e-mail as soon as possible. To do so, click the three vertical dots beside the reply button in the actual email and select Report spam or Report phishing. This will notify Google's (Nmail's) email filtering system to block it.
Below are some definitions to help you identify whether an email is considered spam or a phishing attempt.
- Spam: Electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings.
- Phishing: A method used by hackers to trick people into believing a message to make them divulge personal or other sensitive information. The information can then be used for fraudulent purposes including gaining unauthorized access to IT systems and information, impersonating individuals for financial gains, carrying out a ransomware attack, etc.
Faculty and staff who suspect their NEIU-assigned computer has been hacked or infected with malware should contact the HelpDesk as soon as possible by:
We have put together different resources to help employees and students work and study securely to protect themselves and the university from cyber criminals. Please visit our Information Security page to learn more.
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