Note: You will need to change the ownership of files at the file level and not the folder level. Google folder ownership is not cascading, which means that changing the owner of a folder does not automatically change the ownership of each file within that folder.
To transfer ownership of a file to another individual at NEIU, it must already be shared with them. If the user you intend to transfer ownership to is not shared on the file(s), do so before proceeding with the next steps.
Caution: If there are Google Shortcuts (i.e., links that reference another Drive file or folder) within your search results, you will need to unselect those before attempting to bulk share and transfer ownership of multiple files, or they will prevent you from bulk sharing/transferring. Unfortunately, there is no way to exclude Shortcuts from your search results at this time.
Bulk share files
If there are multiple files they need to be shared on:
- Click and drag your cursor over the relevant files from your search results to select them
List view icon 
Click the List view icon in the top right of the results to make it easier to view and select the files.

Share icon 
- Click the Share icon in the top right of the results.
- Enter the email address of the individual to which you’d like to transfer ownership in the Add people and groups field.
- Uncheck the Notify people box to avoid sending the individual multiple email notifications and click Send.
Bulk transfer ownership
Once the individual has been shared on the files, you can now bulk transfer ownership to them. Tip: Click the List view icon in the top right of the results to make it easier to view and select the files.
- Click and drag your cursor over the relevant files from your search results to select them.
- Click the Share icon in the top right of the results.
- Click the drop-down menu beside the individual to which you want to transfer ownership and select Transfer ownership.
- Click Yes and then click Done.

The individual will automatically become the new owner. Depending on how many files are transferred at once, the individual may receive several emails alerting them, “You're now the owner of # items.”
Note: If you transfer ownership of a lot of files/folders at once, it may take some time for you to notice the changes reflected in your My Drive.