LWH 4103 Media Systems Instructions (Counselor ED)(TV)

Counselor Education Flatscreen Television Instructions


To View any source on the television:

  1. Press the Power ON button (on remote).
  2. Use the Source button (on remote) to switch to/from an input
  3. Volume Control is on the left side of the remote.
  • TV (Nothing)
  • AV (Video feed) Specific room should be selected at main switchboard
  • Component (Nothing / B&W version of AV signal)
  • Laptop (HDMI 1)
  1. Push the Source button on the remote until HDMI 1 shows on the TV.
  • HDMI 2 (Nothing)
  • Blue ray (HDMI 3)
    1. Push the Source button on the remote until HDMI 3 shows on the TV.
    2. Use the Blue ray remote control for the controls and menu options of the Blue ray player
  • Laptop (VGA)(PC)
    1. Connect the VGA cable to your laptop
    2. Connect the mini plug cable to your laptops headphone jack.
    3. For Wired internet connection plug in the Ethernet cable into your laptop.
    4. If you hook up to our wireless access please click on the link General Wireless access.  If you try to connect to the Unsecured wireless access click on this link Open wired access. We suggest this link.

                           5. Push the Source button on the remote until PC shows on the TV.

                           6. Power On Laptop.

When connecting a laptop Please remember to mirror you image by either pressing FN + F8  or   + P (Select Mirror image).  If these options do not work you might have to go to Graphic Display options and may need further help. If so contact us at the number below.

  • USB (No access)


Please remember to turn off any other device that you might have turned on.

For help with Audio Visual Systems or Internet connection

Please call 773 442 4357 or 4357 or H.E.L.P.
