These Directions are meant to be used in conjunction with the Rooms Directions. These directions are meant to help those who are having problem understanding the rooms directions and is meant for VGA connections.
Look at the pictures below and these will help with terms mentioned on our directions and help you to identify items to hook up your laptop.
VGA= Laptop hook up. VGA means a cable that transmits the Video of your laptop only.

Mini Audio cable= This cable that transmits the sound from your laptop to the rooms speakers system.

Laptop (PC) Picture 1

VGA PORT Picture 2

Mini Audio cable= This is the cable that transmits the sound from your laptop to the rooms speakers system.
Picture 3 a

Picture 3 b


Picture 4b

VGA Cable Picture 5

Ethernet Cable Picture 6

ETHERNET CABLE = This is the cable that connects your laptop to the internet and is referred to as a wired internet connections . There is another type of connection that connects to the internet but does not require a wire. This is called Wireless or Wi-Fi connection .
- Look for the VGA cable (picture 5 or picture 2) and look for the VGA port on your laptop ( Picture 2). Each laptop is a little different but it is generally on the side or back of the laptop. Our VGA cable is generally somewhere around the Podium.
- Plug in the VGA cable (Picture 5)into the VGA port (Picture 2)on your laptop. Carefully insert it in. DO NOT FORCE PLUG IN. You can damage the little pins on the cable which will cause problems to your projection.
- Plug in the Mini Audio cable (Picture 5 or Picture 3b) into your laptops headphone jack or Mini audio cable port (Picture 3) This is port is marked with this symbol
. It is generally on one of the sides or front of the laptop. Each model is different.
- If you wish to have wired internet then Plug in the Ethernet cable ( Picture 6 or 4b ) into the Ethernet port on your laptop (Picture 4 or 4b)
- Turn on your laptop.
- Follow the Directions for the room on which input the projector uses for the room. We use different ones for different rooms Example: Could be Computer 1, Computer 2, DVI-I, D-Link.
- Make sure your laptops image is mirrored or is sometimes called Duplicated. This is done by holding the FN key on your laptop and using one of the following buttons depending on the model of your laptop. FN + see list below.
- NOTE: Mirror means to copy what is on your laptops screen to the projector. Laptops give you options when projecting your image. When pushing the FN key the laptop will go down to each one of these options below. Usually in this order but not always.
- Computer only = This option only puts the image on your Laptops screen. This one is what is automatically on your computer when started up if not plugged into anything.
- Duplicate or Mirror = This option takes the image on your laptops screen and puts in on the Laptops screen plus the projectors image.
- Extend = This option puts one image on the Laptops screen and show another image on your projector and you can use this to drag image over to show on the projector and not your laptops screen. Power point has options to use this feature.
- Projector only = This option turns off your laptop screen and puts the image only on the projector.
- When pushing the FN + F8 or FN + F5 or FN + F4 or FN + F7 or Window symbol
+ P. When doing this hold down the FN key or Window symbol with the Correct F key for your laptop. See below for Different companies keys. We use Dell computer so it will most likely be FN + F8.




When Mirroring or duplicating the image some laptops with give you this image when you push the correct Fn key or
+ P .

Others will not give this image and you will have to keep pushing the FN key plus the correct function key until you get the image to show up on the projection screen. When pushing Fn keys plus correct key always give it a few seconds before pushing it again.
Another Option for mirroring to try if the options above does not work is to follow the steps below.
On your Task bar on your computer screen go to the far right and look for your intel graphics card option. It may look like this.

left click on the icon

This screen will come up. Put the mouse over Intel HD Graphics icon and right click.
The Screen below will pop up then go to Graphic properties andLeft click on Graph Options go to Output to

Go to the type of display you want which is usually Clone Display (or Mirror or Duplicate) This will show your image on the laptop and the projector.

If this gets confusing for you please feel free to give us a call or email us at 773 442 5060 or call the help desk at 773 442 4357. Email Or .
We are always willing to teach you how to use the equipment for each room. We also have directions for the equipment for each room and are more than happy to email them to you or meet up with you outside of class time Monday thru Friday by appointment to help show you the equipment and how the equipment works.
Thank you
Media Services.