Podium instructions

- Power up projector by using Grey remote.
- Press (RED) button (on remote)
- Use volume control buttons on remote
- Select Source
- Each time you switch the input source, a dialogue box of your selection will display on the screen
- Be sure HDMI selector is on correct selection and powered on

Power up the monitor using the TV remote
Be sure TV input is set to PC input.

Desktop computer
- Select HDMI(on remote)
- Make sure the Monitor is on
- Make sure the Desktop is on.
- Be sure if using a laptop and wanting to use the desktop as well you will have to be sure your laptops hdmi cable is unplugged from the system. The laptops hdmi over rides the desktop connection.
- Be sure HDMI switcher is on and on input 1.
Laptop HDMI
1. Select HDMI (on remote)
2. Connect the HDMI cable to your laptop.

3. Be sure your Laptop is powered on.
4. Turn on your laptop. You might want to plug the power cord into your laptop.
5. Be sure HDMI Selector is on and input 2 is selected.
6. Connect the Ethernet cable to your laptop for wired internet access.

7. If you hook up to our wireless access please click on this link General Wireless access. If you are trying to connect to Unsecured wireless accesss click on this link Open Wireless access. We suggest this link.
NOTE: If you do not have VGA you will need to get your own adapter. Click on the ADAPTERS link and you can see the different types of adaters that are available and will have to purchase.
IF you need help finding the adapter you need to please set up a meeting with us and we will be happy to help you find the adapter you need
ROOM CAMERA (for remote viewing)
NOTE: Please always go through camera and audio check before doing your zoom or google presentation.
see below for links
Google meets test . Link here for directions.
Zoom test. Link here for directions

The Camera resolution should be 640 x 340 (in youcam9)
The Camera and Microphone are external USB devices. If the computer does not recognize them reinsert them into the computer. If that fails reboot the computer.
The Camera is located on the shelf in the classroom lab.
Camera remote control
Be sure to power on the Camera with the red power button
Use the remote to control the camera to make it up up or down or zoom in.
If the remote does not respond try pushing the 1 button on the remote.
This camera is plugged into the desktop. If trying to use it for your laptop you will have to down load software for it and connect the usb cables into your laptop for it to work.

Software for Camera use
Launch the OBS (Open Broadcast Software) or youcam9 app on the desktop.
If you use the youcam9, select the free version. If prompted for a sign it just create an account with an email and a password. The account is free.
OBS application will not prompt for a login and will launch into the viewer automatically.
OSB tutorials:
Once in the viewer plane, you can slect the infocus PTZ camera and select audio.
A view of the classroom should appear on the screen. Recording and streaming of the class is possible.
Mic for system is USB mic
1. Select Video (on remote)
2. Make Sure the power is ON
3. Be sure the DVD/VCR button is selected to DVD. You should see a DVD image on the screen.

4. Push the Open/Close button on the DVD/VHS deck
5. Insert your disk.
6. Push he Open/Close button or gently push the tray in
7. Use the DVD/VHS remote control or buttons on the deck to control the DVD deck.
1. Push Video on the projector remote.
2. Be sure the power is On on the DVD/VHS deck.
3. Be sure the VHS that the DVD/VCR button is selected for VCR. You should see a blue image on the screen.
4. Insert your VHS tape into the deck
5. Use the DVD/VHS remote control or buttons on the deck to control the DVD deck.
Please shut down projector at end of class!
Push the RED power button on remote. Hit again to confirm the power off of the projector
For Help Computer or internet
Please call 773 442 4357 or 4357 or H.E.L.P or email helpdesk@neiu.edu
For Help with AV please call 773 442 5060 or callctr@neiu.edu
When using a Mac with an M1 chip. You will come across audio issues when trying to play a video through the HDMI connection. Restart the laptop