BBH 101 Media systems Instructions

BBH 101

Quick sheets

1. Lower screens using button on wall.

2. Turn on AMP

3. Turn on projector using Projector remote

Select source

Main computer laptop = Projector remote input is HDMI 1.

HDMI CABLE GUEST LAPTOP = Projector remote input is HDMI 2. Auto switcher is input 4

VGA CALBE GUEST LAPTOP = Projector remote input is Computer 1.

Blu Ray player = Projector remote input is HDMI 2. Auto switcher is input 3.

Doc Cam = Projector remote input is HDMI 2. Auto switcher is input 2.



Podium Instructions for BBH 101


Lower Projections Screen: Use the buttons on the wall behind the Podium to raise and lower the screen. To adust the lights use the light switches to turn off lights around the projector. This will help your image be brighter and better to see.

Be sure any device you want to use is powered on and that all the main power buttons are on.

1) Power switch under poduim.

2) Amp/Mixer Power.

AMP/MIXER: Sound for different sources can also be controlled though the mixer/amp. This Knob is marked SOURCES.

1. Turn the knob clock wise to increase the volume

2. Turn Counter clock wise to decrease the volume.

This Source knob controls the Volume for PC, BLU-RAY, and LAPTOP.


1. To control the Mic on the Podium use the knob on the Mixer/AMP to turn up or down the microphone.


Power on the projector using the remote

1. Push the power button on the projector remote

Source Selection:

Laptop (main computer)

1. Be sure the computer is on.

2. Be sure the HDMI main laptop cable is plugged in.

3. Be sure the power cable for the laptop is plugged in

4. Push HDMI 1 on the projector remote.



1. Plug in the HDMI cable into your laptops HDMI port

2. Push HDMI 2 on the projector remote.

3. Turn on your laptop.


1. Plug in the VGA cable into your laptop

2. Connect the Mini Audio cable to your laptops audio port.

3. Push the Computer 1 on the projector remote.


♦ When connecting a Laptop Please remember to mirror your image by either pressing FN + F8 or Window symbol + P ( Select Mirror image). If these options do not work you might have to go to graphic display options and may need further help. If so please contact us at the number below.

Mac users click the Mac symbol  choose System Preferences. Choose displays click arrangement tab. In lower left corner of the Arrangement panel select “Mirror displays”

4. For Wired Internet connection plug in the Ethernet cable into your laptop.

5.  If you hook up to our wireless access please click on the link Secured Wireless access or for General wireless information go to Wireless Wi-Fi/ VPN

♦ When connecting a Laptop Please remember to mirror your image by either pressing FN + F8 or Window symbol + P ( Select Mirror image). If these options do not work you might have to go to graphic display options and may need further help. If so please contact us at the number below.

Mac users click the Mac symbol  choose System Preferences. Choose displays click arrangement tab. In lower left corner of the Arrangement panel select “Mirror displays”

NOTE: If you do not have HDMI or VGA port you will need to get your own adapter. Click on the ADAPTERS link and you can see the different types of adaters that are available. ADAPTERS.

IF you need help finding the adapter you need please set up a meeting with us and we will be happy to help you find the adapter you need.

NOTE: this is on an Auto switcher device) (Input 4 on crestron auto switcher)




1. Be sure Blu-Ray is on.

2. Be sure that HDMI 2 on projector remote is selected.

3. Use eject on touch screen or power/ eject on player to open the tray.

4. Insert your disk into the deck and push the eject button again. REMEMBER when finished with player to remove your disk and turn off the unit.

5. Use the Blu Ray remote to Skip, FF, REW, STOP, Eject, and view MENU.

Document Camera

1. Push Power switch on Document camera located on the top of the Unit.

2. Push HDMI 2 on the projector remote..

3. When finished please turn off the Document camera.

NOTE This is on the Creastron Auto switcher be sure Blu ray is turned off.) (This is on input 3 on the Crestron auto switcher)

Auto Switcher


Each input is assigned a number in the Black Crestron Auto switcher box on the shelf. Each number has an LED light that shows a signal to that input. Typically the following applies 1 = Blank , 2 = Doc camera, 3 = Blu Ray, 4 = VGA laptop. If you do not see a light then no input is detected and you have a connection issue. Otherwise, the input being displayed is green and any other source is waiting to be selected shine or orange. If you need another input to display push the designated button )if Orange) on the black box and you can switch to your device.

Unless wanting Blu ray be sure Blu ray is off.


1.  Please turn off any other devices used


2. Please push the power button on the projector remote a second time to confirm shut down.


Please shut down projector at end of class---------------

Remember to hit the power button again to confirm shutdown.



For assistance with AV Systems  Contact Media services at 773 442 5060 or email

and Internet connections or computer problems, please call H.E.L.P or 773-442-4357 or x 4357; or email